Final text of World Health Organization’s Framework for Engagement with Non-State Actors (FENSA)
Media release re new approach to conflicts of interest at the World Health Organization WHO.Critique.Conflicts-of-Interest.pdf
60-group statement re conflict of interest safeguards at the World Health Organization View PDF
World Health Organization Technical Report (with input from CSPI-Canada/CHSL): Addressing and Managing Conflicts of Interest in the Planning and Delivery of Nutrition Programmes at Country Level WHO-Nutrition.Conflicts-of-Interest.pdf
Championing Public Health Nutrition conference program, speaker bios and links to presentations
International Association of Consumer Food Organizations submission on Front-of-Pack Nutrition Labelling to the Codex Committee on Food Labelling Proposal-Front-of-Pack-Nutrition-Labelling
World Health Organization consultation report (with input from CSPI-Canada/CHSL) “Dialogue on how to strengthen international cooperation on noncommunicable diseases” WHO.Partnerships-Dialogue-Report